Vivolt, WS

Vivolt, WS



Active substance: 90% Isodecyl alcohol ethoxylate

Chemical class: Non-ionic surfactants

Preparative form: Water solution (WS)

Packaging: 5 l


Mechanism of action


  • Vivolt® improves wetting properties and forms a uniform film on the plant surface.
  • Increases adhesion and facilitates penetration of the active substance into tissues. This increases the efficacy and speed of herbicide action during periods of reduced growth in drought or low temperatures and for weeds that are difficult to wet.


Recommendations for use


Use in mixture with the following herbicides for crops:

Maize: Cordus Forte

Sunflower: Helianthex


Recommended dose: 200-300 ml/ha (0.1%-0.15% Vivolt)


Preparation of the spray suspension


Half fill the tank of the sprayer with water and add the required amount of herbicide, with continuous agitation of the solution.

When mixing several products in the tank of the herbicide equipment, Vivolt is added last after homogenisation of the solution.




  • Increases the efficacy of sulfonylurea herbicides.
  • Opens the way for herbicides to enter the plant.
  • Ensures efficacy of herbicides under unfavourable conditions (low temperatures, drought, high temperatures).
  • Ensures uniform distribution of the active substance in the plant.

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