Cordus Forte, WDG

Cordus Forte, WDG



Active ingredient: 62.475 g/kg nicosulfuron + 31.25 g/kg rimsulfuron + 510.42 g/kg dicamba + 31.25 g/kg isoxadifen (antidote)

Chemical class: sulphonylureas + synthetic auxin

Preparative form: water dispersible granules

Packaging: 480 g


Method of application


  • The exceptional effectiveness of Cordus® Forte's action is the result of the intensification of the herbicide effect and the interlinking of the action of three active substances, belonging to different chemical classes.

  • Rimsulfuron, nicosulfuron and dicamba show exceptional systemic action and penetrate the plant rapidly. Rimsulfuron and nicosulfuron are predominantly taken up by the leaves and transported to the growing tips of weeds. These active substances suppress cell division at shoot growth sites and in roots, and consequently weed growth ceases within hours of application.

  • The balanced combination of nicosulfuron and rimsulfuron provides a high level of control and speed of action on grass weeds.

  • Dicamba is taken up by the leaves and root system and possesses the property of translocating in all directions: from the roots to the growing tips and from the terrestrial parts of the plant to the root-absorbing peripheries, which is very important for the control of dicotyledonous perennial weeds and their root system destruction.

  • Visual signs of Cordus® Forte's action in controlling dicotyledonous weeds (growth inhibition, wilting, deformation, discoloration, necrosis) can be observed 3-7 days after application, depending on climatic conditions.

  • The action of Cordus® Forte herbicide is intensified during the period of active weed growth. Warmth and humidity enhance the herbicide's performance, while cool, dry weather delays its activity and the appearance of symptoms.


The single application of Cordus® Forte as a postemergence herbicide in corn is an effective pre-sowing and pre-emergence weed control alternative and usually does not require additional protection during the growing season.


  • Cordus® Forte is recommended for use in grain and silage corn crops.

  • The use rate of Cordus® Forte depends on the degree of infestation, weed spectrum and is 360-480 g/ha + 200 ml Vivolt®. For maximum efficacy 480 g/ha + 200 ml/ha Vivolt® is recommended for control of annual and perennial grassy and broadleaf weeds.

  • The recommended volume of water to prepare the spray solution is 100-400 l/ha. To improve penetration of the active substances, especially under water deficit conditions, it is recommended to use Vivolt® at an average of 200-250 ml/ha.

  • Cordus® Forte is applied at the 2 to 9 leaf stage of maize development.

  • Spraying applied at the optimal time (in the early stages of weed development), in correlation with the appropriate rate of use of the product and with respect of the recommendations for effective application (temperature up to 25 C, sufficient weed coverage, sprayer speed - not more than 7 km/hour, use of injection nozzles), are the main moments for a high level of effectiveness.







Harmful objects

Consumption rate of product, g/ha


1-3 leaves to tillering for grass weeds

2-4 leaves for dicotyledonous weeds



Additional recommendations and restrictions


- Do not use the product when the crop and weeds are under stress.

- It is recommended to use Cordus® Forte within ambient temperatures of +15 C to +25 C

- Do not apply Cordus® Forte if the temperature during the night before application was below +10 C.

- Do not apply the treatment if the day of application or the following day temperatures are forecast to be above +25 C.

- Do not apply Cordus® Forte later than the nine-leaf stage of maize.

- Do not apply if plants are wet from dew and rain.

- Susceptible maize hybrids may be affected if temperatures drop below 00 C overnight after treatments, but also if temperatures fluctuate upwards from 30 C to 5 C and below - within 24 hours.

- During 7 days, do not apply Cordus® Forte to maize fields treated with organophosphorus insecticides and refrain from spraying maize with insecticides for not less than four days after treatment with Cordus® Forte.

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