Miura, EC

Miura, EC

Fighting Breed Graminicide


Selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass weeds on crops of industrial, vegetable, leguminous and other crops


Active ingredient: chizalofop-P-ethyl, 125 g/l

Preparative form: emulsion concentrate

Characteristics of the active substance: derivatives of 2-(4-aryloxyphenoxy) propionic acids.


Application schedule:




Consumption rate, l/ha

Method, processing time

Sugar beet, table beet, fodder beet, carrot, white cabbage, onion of all generations (except onion for feather), soybean, sunflower, spring and winter rape, potatoes, onion for feather, pea

Annual cereal weeds

0.4 - 0.8

Spraying of crops in phase 2 - 4 weed leaves

Perennial grass weeds

0.8 - 1.2

Spraying crops at a height of wheatgrass 10 - 15 cm




• effective destruction of almost all types of cereal weeds

• registration on many important crops

• application without restrictions on the stages of development of culture

• compatibility in tank mixes with anti-dicotyledonous herbicides

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