Citadel, SC

Citadel, SC

A long-acting soil herbicide applied in the fall after emergence to control problematic weeds in winter crops.


Active ingredient: 100 g/l diflufenican + 15 g/l penoxulam + 3.75 g/l florasulam

Chemical class: pyridonecarboxamide and triazolpyrimidines

Preparative form: suspension concentrate

Packing: 5 l


How to use:


  • Citadel is applied in autumn, after germination, on crops of winter wheat and barley, triticale, rye at a dose of 1.0 l/ha, starting from the one-leaf to three-leaf phase of the cultivated crop (BBCH 11-13), except for rye crops, where it is applied up to 3-4 leaves (BBSN 11-14), and dicot weeds should not exceed the 4-leaf stage.


  • Only one treatment per season will be applied to the same surface.


  • Before using the product on winter rye crops, it is recommended to consult with the permit holder about how sensitive the cultivated rye variety is


  • The drug Citadel is used at air temperatures from +5ᵒ C to +25ᵒ C, on plants that are not affected by diseases and pests, not subject to frost, drought and high humidity.


  • In case of damage to the crop after the autumn cultivation of the Citadel, the following crops can be sown next spring: corn or spring cereals.


  • In the case of a normal crop rotation, the following crops can be established:

- next autumn, after harvesting Citadel-treated crops, it is possible to plant: winter rapeseed, winter grains;


- in the spring of next year, after harvesting, processed by the Citadel, you can lay any crop.


  • Autumn application of the drug reduces the competition of weeds with cultivated plants for food and water from the first stages of vegetation, providing a better start to the grain harvest and a better transition to winter.


  • Recommended amount of working solution: 200-300 l/ha.







Harmful object

Application rate, l/ha


Winter wheat

Annual cereal and dicotyledonous weeds


Winter barley







Herbicide for post-emergence autumn application.

• Very good effect against wind weeds (Apera spica-venti).

• Broad spectrum of action against dicotyledonous weeds.

• Long lasting effect against problematic weeds in cereal crops.

• Solves the problem of weeds in cereal crops such as: Veronica spp., Galium aparine or Papaver spp.

• Approved for wheat, winter barley, triticale and rye.

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