10 Imexagro recommendations for the autu...
DetailsRecently, farmers have been fully engaged in harvesting the first group of crops, this year's harvest was generally decent against the background of a wet spring, but the sowing campaign of the new regular season has already started and is underway!
Agrarians at the initial stage are faced with questions: what seeds to sow, what to dress the seed, how to balance the maximum efficiency with the optimal cost before sowing each crop?
It is no secret that seed dressing is the first obligatory agro-application and remains the most cost-effective and safe measure to protect crops from diseases and pests that live in the soil, on the surface of seeds and plant residues.
Seed dressing gives the best possible protection to the young shoots of a new plant during the early stages of organogenesis.
Besides, it is the only way to protect grain crops from head diseases (dusty, hard, dwarf), because during the vegetation period treatment of plants with fungicides does not solve this issue.
Seed treatment is necessary to control dozens of species of fungi and bacteria.
The threat to grain crops will be primarily posed by head diseases, root and root rots, helminthosporioses, septorioses, seed mould, the causative agents of which are transmitted by seeds or through soil.
For maximum protection of the grains that will enter the soil and produce future crops, IMEXAGRO recommends the use of a three-component strobilurin-containing systemic dressing with a growth-stimulating effect OPLOT TRIO®.
OPLOT TRIO has a unique price-quality ratio.
The composition of the preparation includes three active substances from two chemical classes, which have different mechanisms of action, which reduces to a minimum the risk of resistance in pathogens; gives complete control of the main complex of pathogens, suppression of pathogen development inside and outside the seeds, long-term protection from soil and early aerogenic infection; stimulation of seed germination, obtaining friendly and healthy seedlings, the formation of a strong root system.
Difenoconazole is mobile in the plant and less soluble in water, which gives it advantages for long-term control of a number of pathogens (fusarium, Alternaria, helminthosporiosis and other infections). It has a curative and preventive systemic action. It is absorbed by seeds and seedlings gradually, protecting them from infection for a long time. High content of this d.v. also provides effective control of dust and dwarf bunt of cereal crops.
Tebuconazole is characterised by high mobility, eradicating and curative action. It restrains internal seed and controls early aerogenic infection (septoriosis, rust and others).
Azoxystrobin is characterised by a long-lasting protective effect on the control of fungi from four main classes. It has a positive physiological effect on young plants, improves nitrogen assimilation, reduces water consumption, which is especially important in the period of insufficient moisture.
OPLOT TRIO® has the longest period of protective action against surface, internal seed and soil infection, it is effective against root, root rot and leaf stem infection up to the phase of the beginning of grain tube emergence.
The next important aspect in modern technologies of grain crops production is the protection of seedlings and young plants in autumn from pests.
As a rule, in the initial period of growth of winter wheat plants rather appreciable losses can be caused by species of gnawing noctuid moths, crickets, bread beetles, as well as by a number of leaf pests: species of aphids, cicadas (virus carriers), leafhoppers and species of intra-stem cereal flies (Hessian, Swedish, winter and others) when damaging the root system.
Therefore, it is most effective to use a well-known insecticidal systemic seed dressing - ORFEI® - to control a wide range of soil and leaf pests at the time when plants have not yet formed a sufficient leaf apparatus for insecticide treatment.
Only the active substance acetamiprid, a constituent of ORFEI®, from the chemical class of neonicotinoids has official registration and is authorised for use on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
This year agrarians faced the problem that in the period of grain filling and harvesting came a big drought, as a result the number of unfulfilled grains is twice higher than average and the grain natura has significantly sagged. And it's not just stubby grain.
A fulfilled grain is a seed in which the processes of synthesis of the substances that make up its composition are completely finished. Such grain contains more endosperm, which means more starch, sugar and proteins.
Accordingly, the sowing characteristics of the fulfilled grain are significantly better than those of the puny grain.
To level this factor and help the plant to grow actively, to get friendly sprouts, it is recommended to give a powerful boost with the help of seed treatment with a complex of macro- and microelements, amino acids and humates.
ALBIT PLUS® is the world standard of anti-stress protection, a modern innovative polyfunctional preparation "3 in 1" (antidote, growth regulator, fungicide), the purpose of which: increasing plant resistance to drought and other adverse environmental factors (stresses), increasing the field germination of seeds (friendly sprouts), optimisation of all biological processes in the cell and stimulation of natural protective reactions of plants.
The mechanism of action of ALBIT PLUS® is based on mobilisation of natural defence reactions of plants, laid down by nature. The drug, interacting with receptors of NADPH-oxidase system of plants, stimulates expression of complex of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, dehydroxyascorbate reductase, glutathione reductase).
In grains treated with ALBIT PLUS®, the rate of metabolic processes, germination energy increases, the chlorophyll content in young leaves increases, there is an active accumulation of sugars in the cell, and also increases resistance to pesticide stress, lack of moisture, sudden temperature changes, overconsolidation of the soil and other stresses.
Application rate of 50-100 ml per 1 tonne of seed gives a full powerful start to the young plant.
ALBIT PLUS® is a healthy plant and good root system; good root system means good nutrition, and good nutrition is a guarantee of a decent harvest!
So, specialists of IMEXAGRO company firmly assert: "Technologies of success begin with correct seed treatment with OPLOT TRIO®, ORFEI® and ALBIT PLUS® preparations - preparations that guarantee a generous harvest!
For several years in a row, agrarians, partners of the company, having treated their winter cereals with the complex of preparations, are satisfied with the result obtained, the yields of which this year exceeded 7 tonnes per hectare!